Ihab Habib Hassan was a prominent critic, scholar, and theorist in the academic study of literature. While focusing his scholarship on the post-war novel, he was among the first to articulate a concept of "the postmodern." This collection documents the academic work of the literary critic, scholar, and theorist. The bulk of these materials reflect his work on American fiction of the later twentieth century, in addition to his extensive writings on postmodernism, literary criticism, and cultural studies. The collection primarily contains holograph manuscripts, typescripts, offprints, and reprints of Hassan's published monographs and articles, in addition to professional papers and lecture materials. Some audio and video recordings are included. In 2017 a small addition of photographs, literary correspondence, notebooks, and one flash drive was added.

literary criticism, post-war, novels, writing, postmodern, Egypt, literature, contemporary, avant-garde, publications, high modernism, Jean-François Lyotard, discontinuity, indeterminacy, irony, critic as innovator, autobiography, cultural exchange, early writings, later writings, conference papers, public lectures, book reviews, biographical material, teaching material, unprocessed material, notebooks, photographs, digital material