Barbara Cohen was the director of HumaniTech program at the University of California, Irvine’s School of the Humanities, and the co-editor of Provocations to Reading: J. Hillis Miller and the Democracy to Come (2005) along with Dragan Kujundžić, Professor of Germanic and Slavic Studies at the University of Florida, Gainesville. This collection contains copyedited proofs of this text, as well as correspondence between the editors, copyeditors, authors, and Fordham University Press regarding the in process manuscript. Contributors to this work include Larisa Tokmkoff Castillo, Thomas Cohen, Jacques Derrida, Alexander Gelley, Peggy Kamuf, Juilet Flower MacCannell, J. Hillis Miller, Glenn Odom, Donald Pease, Marc Redfield, Dan Shen, Henry Sussman, and Jennifer Williams.