Primary Sources I German Theory & Criticism
Theodor W. Adorno, Ästhetische Theorie (1970, Gesammelte Schriften, vol. 7, Aesthetic Theory, trans. C. Lenhardt, 1984).
Theodor W. Adorno, Negative Dialektik (1966, Negative Dialectics, trans. E. B. Ashton, 1973).
Monika Fludernik, Towards a "Natural" Narratology (1996).
Hans-Georg Gadamer, Wahrheit und Methode: Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik (1960, 5th ed., Gesammelte Werke, vol. 1, ed. J. C. B. Mohr, 1986, Truth and Method, trans. Garrett Barden and John Cumming, 1975, 2d ed., trans. rev. Joel Weinsheimer and Donald G. Marshall, 1989).
Jürgen Habermas, Erkenntnis und Interesse (1968, Knowledge and Human Interests, trans. J. Shapiro, 1972).
Jürgen Habermas, "Der hermeneutische Ansatz," Zur Logik der Sozialwissenschaften (1970, "A Review of Gadamer’s Truth and Method," Understanding and Social Inquiry, ed. and trans. Fred R. Dallmayr and Thomas A. McCarthy, 1977).
Wolfgang Iser, Der Akt des Lesens: Theorie ästhetischer Wirkung (1976, The Act of Reading: A Theory of Aesthetic Response, trans. Iser, 1978).
Wolfgang Iser, Die Appellstruktur der Texte: Unbestimmtheit als Wirkungsbedingung literarischer Prosa (1970, reprint in Rezeptionsästhetik, Theorie und Praxis, ed. Rainer Warning, 1975, "Indeterminacy and the Reader’s Response in Prose Fiction," Aspects of Narrative, ed. J. Hillis Miller, 1971).
Wolfgang Iser, Der implizite Leser: Kommunikationsformen des Romans von Bunyan to Beckett (1972, The Implied Reader: Patterns of Communication in Prose Fiction from Bunyan to Beckett, trans. Iser, 1974).
Hans Robert Jauss, Ästhetische Erfahrung und literarische Hermeneutik (1977, [pt. 1], Aesthetic Experience and Literary Hermeneutics, trans. Michael Shaw, 1982; 1982 [pts. 1 and 2], selections from pt. 2, Question and Answer: Forms of Dialogic Understanding, trans. Michael Hays, 1989).
Hans Robert Jauss, Kleine Apologie der ästhetischen Erfahrung (1972).
Hans Robert Jauss, "Was heißt und zu welchem Ende studiert man Literaturgeschichte?" (1967, Literaturgeschichte als Provokation, 1970, "Literary History as a Challenge to Literary Theory," Toward an Aesthetic of Reception, trans. Timothy Bahti, 1982).
Friedrich A. Kittler, Aufschreibesysteme 1800/1900 (1985, Discourse Networks, 1800/1900, trans. Michael Metteer, 1990).
Friedrich A. Kittler, Grammophon, Film, Typewriter (1986, Grammophone, Film, Typewriter, trans. Geoffrey Winthrop-Young and Michael Wutz, 1999).
Georg Lukács, Geschichte und Klassenbewusstsein: Studien über marxistische Dialektik (1924, History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, trans. Rodney Livingstone, 1971).
Franz K. Stanzel, Theorie des Erzählens (1979, A Theory of Narrative, trans. Charlotte Goedsche, 1984).
Robert Weimann, "‘Reception Aesthetics’ and the Crisis in Literary History," trans. Charles Spencer, Clio 5 (1975).
Robert Weimann, Structure and Society in Literary History: Studies in the History and Theory of Historical Criticism (1976).